About Us

We are RV Attorneys.

Burdge Law Office was founded in 1978. Today, Burdge Law Office is known nationwide as leading RV Lemon Law attorneys. Its attorneys are experienced and dedicated to handling cases involving Lemon Class A RVs, Fifth-Wheels, and Travel Trailers. 

Our Philosophy is Simple.

We are a small firm with big abilities.  We have the experience, knowledge, resources and ability to handle the smallest case or the largest, most complex Consumer Law legal matters. 

You come first.  Our business is helping people just like you.  We do not represent corporations or businesses.  We are committed to prompt, responsive and personal service.  We answer our own phones – your call will never be met by a phone recording when we are here, and we do not use an answering service located in another state.  At our law firm, we work as a team for you – and you are the most important member of our team.

We are deal makers, not deal breakers.  If we can settle your dispute for you without you having to go to Court, we will.  We know the vehicle manufacturers and if there is a way to settle your case without filing a lawsuit, we will do that.  

We are trial attorneys.  If your case cannot be settled, then we will go into a courtroom with you and handle your trial, presenting your case to a judge or jury so that you will have your day in court.  Many lawyers do not have any courtroom experience at all, but we’ve been going to court for consumers for over 30 years.  

We do not need a learning curve.  We have handled thousands of cases.  We have been doing this for over 40 years.  

We are trained in the latest dispute resolution techniques.  Our firm is thoroughly experienced in all methods of alternative dispute resolution.  We know the good, the bad, and the ugly of how they work or do not work.  We can help you get the best result possible, as quickly as possible – inside the courtroom or outside of it.

Burdge & Wells Law Office Team

Sometimes the best way to know how good a lawyer or law firm can be is by what their clients say about them.

Dozens of our former clients have done that at Avvo.com, an independent internet web site where clients can rate their attorney and tell you something about what happened in their case.

Read more client reviews of attorney Ron Burdge at Avvo.